Friday, October 19, 2012

Christmas Excitement

     Well, I haven't seen any Halloween decorations in the local stores. The grocery stores aren't even stocking up on the really cheap candy in preparation for trick or treating. I am not sure if kids will even go house to house expecting candy. I have however seen a ton of Christmas decorations! Australia I think you have America beat for early Christmas planning. It is still October in case you forgot.
     On that note... John and I were at Target, which is very similar to the US Target, looking to buy a fan. You know because it's freaking hot outside! When all of a sudden we saw Christmas trees for sale. Fake ones of course. None the less there they were. There were quite a few different kinds actually....
Now these trees were not displayed, they were in boxes laying on the floor of the store. I feel that with so many options, these should be out for us to take a closer look. By the way, how do they know what an Oregon Easy Tree looks like? Or what the difference between a Minnesota Pine and a Nevada Pine are? I don't think I do. Wait, does that make me a bad American?

Needless to say, we were hot and wanted out fans, not Christmas trees. We found two cheap fans, paid, left, and are now relaxing with the breezy air that is now circulating our bedroom. It's too hot to think about Christmas decorations, especially before we have begun to think about Halloween and some sort of expat Thanksgiving.

If you are reading this from the other side of the equator, I hope you are enjoying the cool days and changing leaves.


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